
musings on life, love and laughter from my spoken heart to yours


NaNoWriMo… (a stressed out November)

I have signed up to part take in the madness known as NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) for the first time this year. In the beginning when I first signed up I was super stoked and feeling like I could figure this thing out “no problem”. I mean come on how hard could it be? You just sit and write… right? Well now the countdown is on – less than 2 weeks to go and I am drawing a complete blank, all that cocky enthusiasm is quickly dissipating; turning itself inside out. Every time I sit down and try to think about it, try to contemplate what I shall write, my mind goes blank, my mouth goes dry, I need a glass of water,  and suddenly I am overwhelmed by the surplus of mundane chores and duties I must complete right now… what the heck is that all about??

I always have all these ideas and thoughts swirling around in my head yet each time I sit down with the intent of capturing them for NaNo; ‘poof’ they evaporate into the stratosphere… it’s not just that my ideas keep fading away its also that I need an idea that will encompass a greater volume than a mere 500 – 1000 words… more like 50,000… 1,670-ish words per day that sounds relatively easy, yet the thought has become rather daunting.

I am thinking that my problem with finding my muse is that NaNo is completely open, there are no real restrictions. Apparently I can write in any genre, any style, about just about anything – as long as it is fictionalized; which makes deciding difficult. I can go in any direction I choose. Create any characters I can possibly imagine. Write in any style from poetic flowery prose to a first person narrative. I can choose to write a faerie tale, a historical fiction, or a supernatural murder mystery. Realistically my imagination is my only  limitation.

Who else out there is participating in NaNo this year? How are you tackling it? Are you a seasoned veteran, or like me a complete noob? Feel free to comment and let me know…
