
musings on life, love and laughter from my spoken heart to yours

Day 20… Happy Birthday….

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Yesterday was day 20, and I only remembered about posting as I was drifting off to sleep after a full and happy day. It was my grand-daughter’s 5th birthday. She had a good day, was spoiled – but not too much, and was just super happy with all the presents and love she received yesterday.

She is a beautiful little girl who scared us upon her arrival into this world. She was born at 28 weeks – or 3 months early, weighing only 2.4 lbs and not breathing on her own. Surprisingly she has suffered no ill effects from her ordeal, and is perfectly healthy. Today she is a thriving happy little girl who loves to draw and do crafts and play with dolls and wear pretty dresses and so much more… 🙂

mmmm cake....

mmmm cake….

Author: My Spoken Heart - Andrea Crowell

Blogger, life lover, silly-hearted daydreamer...

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